Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Won ti tag mi!!!

Rinsola tagged me
The rules:
1. Link the person who tagged you to this post
2. Mention the rules in your blog
3. Tell 6 unspectacular quirks of yours
4. Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them
5. Leave a comment on each of the tagged blogger’s blogs letting them know they’ve been tagged

I fight with people in my head… No, i don’t have little people in my head. What i mean is i have arguments with people in my head. That did not sound right either. See, i am not confrontational, so when people irk me, step on my toes or plainly annoy me, instead of hashing it out with them. I just simply have a heated conversation with them in my head.

I cannot walk around the house naked or sleep naked. I know we females have to love our body and don’t get me wrong I do love mine but I just can’t just walk around the house naked or sleep naked. A female friend once asked me if I have ever stood in front of the mirror to look at myself naked. Let just stay she cannot to sleep over at my place anymore….

I have to sleep on the left side of the bed. If I ever give that side up for you, be aware that I must really really really like you.

I make fun of people I like. This is strange but if I am very nice and proper to you then you are still an acquaintance.

I do not liter. It is not unusual to see me with a little cute bag of rubbish. I will not drop it until I see a garbage bin. I hate it when people leave their litters on the floor especially at the movies.

I find everything dirty when it rains outside.

I think everyone in blogville has done this, so I can’t tag anyone.


Today's ranting said...

Lol @ you for fighting people in your head. I do that too.

Today's ranting said...

yup i'm first. Welcome ma.

Jennifer A. said...

The funny thing is that I also have mental arguments in my head sometimes, rather than confronting people...but I know it helps to talk to them about it...(actually it helps to think about the conversation first)...

When it rains, things are only dirty when the space was dirty b4 the rain starts...and then it becomes euueeewy! like to sleep on the left side of the bed, I like to sit close to windows and doors. weirdos!!!

I loved ur comment abt how Hindi opened up the doors to a world of Hindi Christians. I can't wait to learn more languages than I know now...


ejura said...

I fight them in my dream sometimes too but no worry I no be whinsh. Just an upset human who didn't express her angst.

lol at the naked thingy! I feel you der.

And I'm second!

ejura said...

Not fair! Where did jaycee come from? She wasn't der just a while ago. Now I'm 3rd. Argghh!still top 3 tho...

Afrobabe said...

fighting ppl in ur head..

I fight first in my head trying to arrange the points.....then fight with them at once before I forget...

LG said...

...I fight with people in my head
hope say dem no dey beat u 2 much,lol
I have to sleep on the left side of the bed - Any special reason?

*how u?*

Rinsola said...

i came late again after this afrobabe of a woman. I do the same as #4. And when i say hi, good afternoon then u know we're not really cool. If we're cool expect me to say W'SUP??????????. So missy w'sup? how u dey? Guess what?i made jollof rice yesterday but with green pepper, it wasn't bad.

Aijay said...

lol @ fighting people in ur head. Thats a good thing, atleast u ain't fighting them physically. lol

Sleeping naked is so comfy, u shd try it some time. :)

darkelcee said...

fight people in ur head.funny chick!

i can't either.haaaa wetin do me?

i sleep on the left side and wake on the right or middle.lollll

you be real benue babe.lolllll

Anonymous said...

i always knew you fought with me in your head.

Unknown said...

Heyyyy...Ms. Allied is back! this blogsville is beginning to make me realize that i'm more than normal amazed a how many of us have conversations in our heads...

make sure u don't do anymore disappearing moves oh!

Thirty + said...

Ope o she is back, thank you Miss Rinsola for the tag.

Well I sleep on the side of the bed close to the wall no contest. Yes I idetify with the head fighting no doubt.

Eve said...

nice ones. cant sleep naked? i can't wait to get out of clothes

ibiluv said...

i write them STINKERS....then tear it up....kai i love myself best when i have nothing on.....i love to sleep closest to the's easy to poke fun at awon te mi....true...dont litter either...u should see my bag sumtymes.........i like it ONLY when it rains at nite when i am in bed.....

bumight said...

lol @ afrobabe, I agree. I think up the perfect fight in my head, and God help the person if they ever have cause to fight with me for real, cos I would just download all the program code I wrote in my head!

Joy Akut said...

are we talking the arguements in the head where you speak your mind with no hold barriers and do the hand and all, then take a deep breath and nicely explain the situation cos u dont have the guts to do the physical fight ur heads just gone through?

you're back...yay.

AJIKE said...

lol at u fight people in your head!
i don't litter as well, one of my friends gets so upset anytime she looks into my bag
she helps me sort it out...cos orisirisi panti dey for inside!

Atutupoyoyo said...

Ol girl you need to try and post more often.

EXSENO said...

I hate tags, I think I've only done a couple of them because I didn't want to hurt their feelings. After that I just told my friends that I don't do tags.
I can't walk around the house or sleep naked either, I just don't feel comfortable. Of course I'm old now so it wouldn't be a pretty site, lol
but even when I was young it was just not my thing to do.

Chari said...

O n pe ki won to taggi e...girl u give quirky a new meaning with ur quirks mayn...

rethots said...

What side of the bed is the left?

LG said...

just checking up on u gurl
*hope u r doing great?*

Sherri said...

lol@ fighting people in ur head.
what happens when they fight back?lol

how have u been?
miss u luv

Anonymous said...

yeah what side is left?? is Left Facing the bed? or Left backing the bed?

Jinta said...

that vision you just saw whizz past your eye was me diving for the left side of the bed

Flourishing Florida said...

hmmm. on d scale of 0 to 10, i'd rate ur quirkiness ..... 7. d not sleeping naked carrying d highest score, particularly u banning ur 'friend' 4rm sleeping over @ ur place. wetin u dey fear? say she be le-le?

having mental arguements? hmm. d bad thing abt dis is dat everyone else describes u as 'so nice & peace-loving', while taking advantage of u. i was like dat, but after smoottering with enof vex, i learnt to vent o

Ms. Catwalq said...

read ur emails please......

Ms. Catwalq said...

please put up your logo and flier...

Ms. Catwalq said...



on your marks

get set...

Zayzee said...

yeah. i do not litter as well. but i sleep naked.

welcome back

Unknown said...


how have u been gurl?

Anonymous said...

lmao@1, i do that...but in my case, maybe i already reacted a certain way, in my head i'll lay out a better reaction and be mad at myself for not giving it to them that way, lol...issues.

The Activist said...

Ah ha, I fight with pple in my head too o. It will even get to the extent of frowning my face at no one while am at it...

I make fun of pple by observing, interpreting their actions and laughing and smiling to myself

I don't liter either n it pains me when I see pple dropping stuffs out of thier buses/cars to the road. SOme will even stand somewhere eat gala, drink pure water and throw it right on the road!!! Shio....

Smaragd said...

1,3,4 and 5 are perfectly me!

now that u mention it, i thot about my bed and realised that i catually always sleep on the left side! at least until the wee hours when i start moving around looking for a cool spot.

the only difference with 1 is that i'll eventually fight the fight i already fought in my head o. i confront and then feel better.

Smaragd said...

which is weird (sleeping on the left) cuz i was always so scared as a kid that i had to put my back against a wall to sleep! when did i start this sleeping on the left sef?

some habits we just develop sha.

rethots said...

Come to think of it, you never answered the question. What side of the bed is the left side?

Unknown said...

thanks buddy it is like an inspiration and learning zone.Genesis